How to use once you install the AdQuick AI Assistant

  • Please scroll down to the very bottom of the lefthand panel in Slack to find the AdQuick AI assistant under the 'Apps' section to get started
  • Conversely, you can use the AdQuick AI assistant in any channel by using the command '/adquick' followed by your question
  • Enhanced Productivity

    Minimize the need to submit questions to your media agency or out-of-home sales representative. Access everything you need from the familiar interface of Slack.

  • Data at Your Fingertips

    Make informed decisions swiftly. With AdQuick's insights integrated into your Slack channels, your next big campaign just became 10x easier to plan.

Disclaimer: The AdQuick AI for Slack utilizes a Large Language Model to assist in providing responses. While we strive for accuracy and relevance in the information and recommendations provided, please be aware that there may be instances of inaccuracies or outdated information due to the nature of AI-generated content. We recommend verifying critical data and decisions through direct consultation with AdQuick experts or through your own research.
slack specialists

OOH Specialist at your fingertips 🤌

Use the AdQuick AI assistant in any channel with the /adquick followed by your question. Collaborate and plan with your team.

slack explore

Explore OOH

  • What are the top 5 benefits of transit advertising?

  • Are digital or static units more effective?

  • What is the average amount of time that someone sees a billboard when driving?"

Discover Market Details

  • How much do billboards cost in Austin, Texas?

  • What is the average CPM for non-digital billboards in Chicago, Illinois?

slack discover
slack budget

Get Budget Recommendations

  • How much budget is required for an effective campaign in NYC?

  • Lets add another budget related question here.

  • A third one would be nice to keep the columns balanced.

Design Measurement Strategy

  • How long do you recommend running a campaign in order to achieve lift?

  • How does the ROI on OOH compare to other advertising channels?

slack design
Adquick AI assistant

Launch hyper-targeted OOH campaigns in minutes

Get Started ->

Launch hyper-targeted OOH campaigns in minutes